Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How Barbie doll does promote traditional gender roles., effect on Essay

How Barbie doll does promote traditional gender roles., effect on gender behavior - Essay Example She is used to illustrating the personal variations on general common gender themes occurring because numerous forces influence all individuals. Barbie Doll is perhaps used to show that gender is significant and paramount to the identity of an individual. Gender is embodied and lived by everyone all the days of his or her lives. As such, it can be argued that gender is both an individual construction as well as is learnt by way of social arrangement and order, which promotes the persuasive standards of being male and female. In fact, the Barbie doll has been described as the toy that was designed and made for women to enlighten women about what the society expects from them. Some schools of thought assert that Barbie doll has significant issues that surround femininity and gender ideals. In fact, Barbie doll can be described to be the perfect representation of female sexuality as viewed by the society and as perpetuated by the media (Bothell 17). Gender specific behavior is a result of both nature and socialization. The society, largely, dictates how men and women perceive themselves. Both the male and female in the society identify the â€Å"self† as composed of both the individual and the society. Barbie doll depicts this kind of societal influence just too well. She imitates the female personality. She is used to representing the woman in the society who functions as a self-imaging tool. Perhaps a major impact that she has on body image representation is that her body has a general human body form. Perhaps to show that gender specific behavior is influenced by socialization and nature, one only needs to look at Barbie’s audience-children. Many academics believe that children are the most vulnerable to unhealthy body images that the doll projects (Bothell 61). Socialization occurs when children play. They need an internal representation that could as well be assumed to be true to all males and females

Monday, October 28, 2019

Computer Addiction Essay Example for Free

Computer Addiction Essay Computer addiction is a mental illness which causes the excessive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily life. Excessive use may explain problems in social interaction, mood, personality, work ethic, relationships, thought processes, or sleep deprivation. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders does not include a diagnosis for such a disease. The term †²computer addiction†² originated long before the Internet. Some people develop bad habits in their computer use that cause them significant problems in their lives. The types of behavior and negative consequences are similar to those of known addictive disorders. Effects Excessive computer use may result in, or occur with: Lack of social interaction. Using the computer for pleasure, gratification, or relief from stress. Feeling irritable and out of control or depressed when not using it. Spending increasing amounts of time and money on hardware, software, magazines, and computer-related activities. Neglecting work, school, or family obligations. Lying about the amount of time spent on computer activities. Risking loss of career goals, educational objectives, and personal relationships. Failing at repeated efforts to control computer use. A cause for many of the above-mentioned effects may be that computer games do not stimulate the release of neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of satisfaction and relaxation, such as oxytocin and endorphin, in the same way that real world activities do. Bibliography Exhaustion most likely cause of death, 2007, Chinese gamer dies after three-day session ,, [Online], Available: [2009, April 14]. About online gamers anoymous 2009, , OLG, [Online], Available: [2009, April 14]. Block, 2008, Issues for DSM-V: Internet Addiction Available: [2009, April 14]. Chinese suicide shows addiction dangers Online life proves too appealing n.d., ,, [Online], Available: [2009, April 14]. Experts debate internet addiction 2006 , Nov. 14 Available: [2009, April 14]. How computer addiction works 2009, Available: [2009, April 14]. Orzack, n.d., Computer addiction services Available: [2009, April 14].

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Adulthood :: Free Essays Online

Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Adulthood Child abuse is a serious issue in today's society. Many people have been victims of child abuse. There are three forms of child abuse: physical, emotional, and sexual. Many researchers believe that sexual abuse is the most detremental of the three. A middle-aged adult who is feeling depressed will probably not relate it back to his childhood, but maybe he should. The short-term effects of childhood sexual abuse have been proven valid, but now the question is, do the long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse affect middle-aged adults? Many contradicting views arise from the subject of childhood sexual abuse. Researchers and psychologists argue on this issue. Childhood sexual abuse has the potential to damage a child physically, emotionally, and behaviorally for the rest of his or her childhood, and the effects have been connected to lasting into middle-aged adulthood. Research has been conducted on what type of children are the most at risk of being sexually abused. Childhood abuse has a greater chance of happening to children of certain backgrounds. One researcher states that "Child sexual abuse occurs more frequently in children from socially deprived and disorganized family backgrounds. Marital dysfunction, as evidenced by parental separation and domestic violence, is associated with higher risks of child sexual abuse" (Mullen 4). Mullen goes on to state that "The possibility has been raised that characteristics such as physical attractiveness, temperament, or physical maturity might increase the risks of children being sexually abused" (4). Many researchers link behavioral problems in adulthood to childhood abuse. One researcher says that "An adult who was sexually abused as a child has a greater chance of becoming violent, suicidal, and abusive to their children than an adult who was not abused sexually as a child" (Kliest 155). These characteristics could hinder a victim from living a normal lifestyle and having a family. Kliest also states, "Adults who were abused sexually as children will have a greater chance than those who were not of experiencing sexual dysfunction, such as flashbacks, difficulty in arousal, and phobic reactions to sexual intimacy" (156). Many researchers agree that childhood sexual abuse has a negative effect on an adult's personal relationships. Another researcher states, "A history of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) appears to have an adverse impact on the quality of adult intimate relationships, and they report avoiding the development of close adult relationships because of their fear of reject ion" (Whiffen 1103). Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Adulthood :: Free Essays Online Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Adulthood Child abuse is a serious issue in today's society. Many people have been victims of child abuse. There are three forms of child abuse: physical, emotional, and sexual. Many researchers believe that sexual abuse is the most detremental of the three. A middle-aged adult who is feeling depressed will probably not relate it back to his childhood, but maybe he should. The short-term effects of childhood sexual abuse have been proven valid, but now the question is, do the long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse affect middle-aged adults? Many contradicting views arise from the subject of childhood sexual abuse. Researchers and psychologists argue on this issue. Childhood sexual abuse has the potential to damage a child physically, emotionally, and behaviorally for the rest of his or her childhood, and the effects have been connected to lasting into middle-aged adulthood. Research has been conducted on what type of children are the most at risk of being sexually abused. Childhood abuse has a greater chance of happening to children of certain backgrounds. One researcher states that "Child sexual abuse occurs more frequently in children from socially deprived and disorganized family backgrounds. Marital dysfunction, as evidenced by parental separation and domestic violence, is associated with higher risks of child sexual abuse" (Mullen 4). Mullen goes on to state that "The possibility has been raised that characteristics such as physical attractiveness, temperament, or physical maturity might increase the risks of children being sexually abused" (4). Many researchers link behavioral problems in adulthood to childhood abuse. One researcher says that "An adult who was sexually abused as a child has a greater chance of becoming violent, suicidal, and abusive to their children than an adult who was not abused sexually as a child" (Kliest 155). These characteristics could hinder a victim from living a normal lifestyle and having a family. Kliest also states, "Adults who were abused sexually as children will have a greater chance than those who were not of experiencing sexual dysfunction, such as flashbacks, difficulty in arousal, and phobic reactions to sexual intimacy" (156). Many researchers agree that childhood sexual abuse has a negative effect on an adult's personal relationships. Another researcher states, "A history of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) appears to have an adverse impact on the quality of adult intimate relationships, and they report avoiding the development of close adult relationships because of their fear of reject ion" (Whiffen 1103).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Compare and Contrast Utilitarianism with Christian Ethics

Compare and Contrast Utilitarianism with Christian Ethics The ethical teachings and values of utilitarianism and Christian ethics are similar in some aspects, yet however are diverse in others. Utilitarianism is a generally teleological ethical system, where the outcome is said to justify the act. The act is considered ‘good’ if it brings about the greatest good for the greatest number. Christian Ethics, however, can be quite different. Many aspects of its ethics are deontological, for example, the Decalogue and Natural Law. There are other differences and indeed some similarities which will be considered throughout this essay. Christian ethics has many aspects which do not agree with the fundamental doctrine of Utilitarianism. Firstly, the 10 Commandments in the Old Testament are deontological, as it is law based and the action is considered good or bad intrinsically. Jeremy Bentham, the founder of Utilitarianism, states that an action cannot be right or wrong in itself, and it can only be evaluated when the consequences are taken into account. The Bible implies that none of these laws should be broken, yet Bentham thought that any rules can be rejected should the person determine that the means can justify the ends. Bentham held that no one should take actions as right or wrong as a given, but should use empirical evidence to work out their effect and subsequently conclude on its appropriateness. Bentham’s empirical method of finding out whether the action is worthwhile was to use the Hedonic Calculus, a process of assessment which gauges the act’s outcome in several categories, such as its certainty, purity or extent. Natural Law is another example of the diversity between Utilitarian and Christian ethical attitudes. Although it teaches that humans should use reason to realise morality (which is similar to Bentham’s attitude), it fundamentally states that there are God given laws of the universe which eternally and constantly exist in nature. It is a Christian principle to live one’s life in such a way they strive to be like Jesus, and are motivated to follow Christian principles and rules in order to do this. This however fundamentally goes against Utilitarianism, which states that humans are merely motivated by the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. This is how an action is considered good or bad in the Hedonic Calculus, if it brings pleasure for the most people or works to avoid pain. Furthermore, Christian ethics implies that one will find happiness by modelling themselves on Jesus and adhering to the teachings of the Bible. However, in Utilitarianism it is stated that one will find the most happiness when individuals are free to pursue their own ends. The process of using the Hedonic Calculus aspect of Utilitarianism can also be likened to the Christian ethical principle of using one’s Conscience. For this point, it is important to note that this is not in reference to the specific detail in the Hedonic Calculus, but is about the underlying reason for its use. In the New Testament, Paul advocated that the Conscience should be used when one needs moral guidance, which is linked to the will of God. Even though in Utilitarianism the ‘God’ aspect is not included in terms of justifying an action, the principle of mentally judging a deed is similar. John Stuart Mill developed his own approach to Utilitarianism called ‘Rule Utilitarianism’. There are some similarities with Christian ethics which lie in his doctrine. Firstly, Mill says that there should be general rules which people should follow in order to bring about the greatest communal good. This has two similarities with Christian ethics; first of all is the principle of law-making and secondly, the concept of the ‘greatest communal good’ can be traced back to the teachings of Paul in the New Testament, where he says that ‘a good should not be god for the individual, but for everyone’. Mill’s proposed laws would be those based on general Utilitarian principles. Mill likened this principle to the Golden Rule of Jesus, which is the teaching that Christians consider to be of the highest importance. The rule states to ‘do unto others as you would have them do to you’. Although this is essentially deontological, it is based on the principle of generating the most agape. Mill, like Jesus, held that general laws should be in place to help lead a good life. Situation ethics has also been pointed out as having similar principles o Utilitarianism. Firstly, both theories are examples of relativism, meaning that there are no absolute standard which apply to the rightness and wrongness of actions. Secondly Joseph Fletcher, the founder, argued that the Christian ethic of love can be labelled as ‘justice distributed’. ‘Justice’ is in reference to determining what the most loving thing is to do for everyone. This can be likened to Util itarianism, which replaces the word ‘justice’ with ‘goodness’, meaning goodness distributed (greatest good for greatest number).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

House of Representatives Essay

The US federal legislature is bicameral, therefore it consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives, and in theory they should both be of equal power. However, in reality it is the Senate which is considered to hold the most power, although there are arguments to in favour of them having equal rights. In order to reach a balanced judgement I will consider both sides of the argument, beginning with the claim that the Senate is more powerful than the House of Representatives. Senators represent an entire state, as members of the House of Representatives only represent districts, highlighting from the outset their different abilities to reach a broader spectrum of people, along with Senates being 1 of 100, and House members being 1 of 435. Therefore Senators have an easier avenue to implement their work, as a House representative has far less status, due to them being far denser in numbers a clear example of this is that of Bill Frist who in January 2003 became majority leader after only eight years in the Senate. While at the same time Representative Nancy Pelosi became House minority leader, but she had been a member in the house since 1987. This further highlights the ability of those with the senate to gain more status. Power within Congress is very much concentrated within committees, rather than that of the Chamber floor in question, which further highlights the Senates greater status, as Senators are far more likely to chair committees, which furthe r heightens their status on Capitol Hill. Senators are known both state-wide and even some are known nationwide, as House members are generally known in neither category. As a typical American sitting in the public gallery of the senate probably would not find difficulty in recognising such Senators as John McCain and John Kerry, as both have been their party’s presidential candidate. This is a different story within the house as most people would be unable to recognise representatives other than their own however there have been few exceptions such as Ron Paul, although this does further highlight the lack of status the House members have and as a consequence hindered power. This point is backed up even more by the time members have before they face re-elections, as in the Senate this period is every six years but only every two in the house. Consequently displaying the implication of House members being less important than that of Senators who have a longer period to make themselves known to their people and carry o ut their work without the hindrance of elections. The senate is widely seen as a launching pad for a presidential campaign, as Presidents Obama, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy and Truman were all former members of the Senate. While no member of the House in recent years has been chosen to run for President apart from Ron Paul in 2012, showing the Senates dominance within Congress in this area, as further instilling this point is the fact that 14 out of the last 15 elections the Democrats have nominated a senator as their vice-presidential candidate. However, when it comes down to passing legislation the two chambers have mostly equal powers, as neither chamber can overturn the decision made by the other, therefore the senate cannot dominate the House. Along with the ruling that both chambers must approve constitutional amendments, the House does however have exclusive powers over money bills, but this is overshadowed by the Senates ability to ratify or even reject a treaty even though a super majority would be needed. The only power the House holds that would appear to make them more powerful is that over the president and Vice-President, as they have the ability to elect the resident in the rare event of deadlock within the Electoral College. Although this is an almost irrelevant power as the house has not exercised it since 1824. Overall, it is apparent that members of both chambers are paid equal amounts, even though this is not an overriding argument for the two holding equal powers, it does add weight to them both having relatively equal powers, with the Senate receiving a greater amount of status within American Politics, this does not however mean they have an increased amount of power, the house is purely hindered by some factors such as the amount of members, which then makes many claim the Senate to be far more powerful than the House of Representatives, when the reality is slightly contrasting.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Birth of a New Nation essays

Birth of a New Nation essays In the mid-18th century, the colonists in America were becoming upset with the way the English government was taking advantage of them. Their rights as Englishmen had been compromised and they wanted to show the Mother Country that they would not stand for this much longer. After looking at the big picture, it could be determined that a war between the two was unavoidable. The Revolution commenced and when the colonists finally won, this let our Founding Fathers establish a new, unique form of Republican government. There were still problems, however, as ethnocentrism still existed. The nation was free, but this was not true for all its citizens. Women could still not vote, slavery continued until the Civil War, and the Americans were still pushing around the Native Americans. For a revolution, some things still did not change. Society remained a hierarchy with the male landowners on top, just as it was under English rule. The American Revolution was described as a fight between a young group of colonies yearning to gain political freedom and a tyrannical monarchy that denied them the rights they deserved. If this was the case, then our Founding Fathers who established our Constitution and Republican government were not that much different than the monarchy of England. Of course there was no one absolute ruler, but being former Englishmen influenced their judgment and compelled them to put several policies of the British government into effect, as well as their own unique ones. They had been used to the English system and did not want to make any radical changes so quickly. The majority of these ideas that came from England were used to keep the minorities below the white, male, landowner class. The nation was based upon freedom and equality, but apparently it was only for that one male class. Slavery was still a large business in the United States. The Southern farmers were used to having the free labor and did not ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Essay on Japans Geisha

Essay on Japans Geisha Essay on Japans Geisha Essay on Japans GeishaOne of the most popular professions in Japan is Geisha. To be a geisha is not as easy as it may seem. It is not only a beautiful woman, who should entertain a man. She must have many skills, such as dancing, playing a classical music, she must to be a woman of art to attract a client’s attention.Geisha is a hereditary profession; it means that to get this work, you have to be a geisha’s daughter. The process of becoming geisha has several steps. First off all, the training must be started in childhood. Then, student starts the training as a â€Å"minarai†. It means that, girl learn all details only by watching â€Å"okiya’s† (teacher’s) work. Also â€Å"minarai† should have an older sister or an older geisha, in Japan it is onee-san. Her main function is to bring â€Å"minarai† to traditional Japanese place, teahouse, for example, where student has a possibility to observe â€Å"onee – san’sà ¢â‚¬  work. It is the main condition to find a potential client. Onee-san also must teach all the techniques such as conversation, gaming and serve of tea. This period runs for about a month.The next step starts when student moves from the status of â€Å"minarai† to the status of â€Å"maiko†. Maiko is a woman, who has already mastered the art of dance. This period runs for years. Maiko learn from her senior geisha mentor and follow to all her engagements. And the last, final step, when maiko becomes a professional geisha.Training is a very expensive process, so, then â€Å"maiko† after becoming a professional geisha should to pay back all her debts to the okiya, because she provides all necessary opportunities, such as food, kimonos etc., during maiko’s studing. It may happen, when geisha move out to live and work independently.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Make Crystal Clear Ice Cubes

How to Make Crystal Clear Ice Cubes While you are making glow in the dark ice, why not make some clear ice? There is a trick to making clear ice cubes, but it isnt complicated and doesnt require an expensive restaurant ice machine. You need pure water and you need to control how it cools. The ice maker in a typical home freezer has a water filter, but usually produces opaque ice. This is because the water doesnt cool at the right rate to produce clear ice or else there is a lot of air in the water. Clear ice is easily made using bottled water that had been purified using reverse osmosis  or  distillation, but you can make clear ice from tap water. To do this, boil the water to remove most of the dissolved air. Ideally you want to boil the water, let it cool, then reboil again. But, you should be able to get good results just boiling the water once. Let the water cool slightly to minimize the risk of getting burned and then pour it into an ice cube tray and put it in the freezer. So,  you can make clear ice by boiling and freezing filtered water, but the cooling rate is also important. If the ice freezes too slowly the result is milky on the bottom and clear on top. Unfortunately, you dont have a lot of control over the freezers cooling rate. You can play with the starting temperature of the water until you get the results you desire. What can you do with clear ice? One thing you can do is to use it as a magnifying glass. In a pinch, you can use an ice lens to start a fire. Also, unless you like the taste of quinine, clear ice tastes a lot better in drinks than glowing ice.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Statement of purpose Personal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Of purpose - Personal Statement Example I want them to feel the bliss too during Christmas time. For the last five years, I have opened my home to single sailors who need a place to spend their holidays. I worked for abused and neglected children’s shelter at Roy Maas Youth Alternatives of San Antonio, Texas. That service center served children aging five to eighteen. Working with abused children changed my life because I saw evidences of cruelties inflicted to innocent children. I spent most of my times here, even holidays while earning my degree. I learned to become a child-right advocate especially for those who are victims of sexual-assault. For about a year now, this advocacy is translated under my command to help active military members and their families who unfortunately underwent traumatizing experiences of being sexually abused. Since I work full time--about 40-50 hours a week, while attending my intermediate studies, this somehow affected my GPA pegged at a rate below the required average of 3.0. This didn’t discourage me at all. I am determine to pursue my studies even if am burdened with debts. The circumstance encouraged me to join the navy. Inspired by its core values on honor, courage and commitment, I believe I could potentially become a person I wanted to be. The institution also offers scholarship and support for my college days. I completed three back-to-back deployments in Iraq while endeavoring to pursue my degree. I have to admit that my grades suffered tremendously when I was undergoing my undergraduate course at UTSA. This was way back before I joined the navy. I professed that I regain focus and was able to improve my GPA, but it still fell short of the required average of 3.0 due to my transfer credits. But I have faith that if given the chance to go to school this round, I will endeavor to become a better student devoted to my studies. I believed that I am more stable and mature to hurdle all

Friday, October 18, 2019

Marketing analysis report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing analysis report - Essay Example Unlike other hedge fund strategies, Emerging market is marked geographically where investment is done in a market that has potential of growth. Even though it has been adopted by many investors, it has a couple of disadvantages. For instance, the cases of inflation or political instability may result to very poor returns to the investors. Another strategy that is close to emerging market is emerging market stock. This is different to the emerging market because its existence is through the emerging market mutual funds. For the past decade, emerging market mutual funds has lost investors to the emerging markets, for example, the pension funds by the institutional investors. The main reasons for the gained popularity of emerging markets are discussed below in the growth and benefits of emerging markets hedge funds. Despite the fact that of the world’s nations, emerging markets have a percentage of only twenty; emerging markets have still experienced remarkable growth. This is because 20% of the world’s nations constitute the 80% of the world population (Barclay Hedge, 2013 p. 1). Since emerging markets are defined by its nature of growth in terms of industrialization and business, the chances of increased returns to the investors is quite, therefore many investors are adopting this strategy. As mentioned earlier, the emerging markets as an investment strategy has gained popularity over emerging market mutual funds since it is not only tied to bonds but also permits investment on real estate among other investments. Due to this advantage, it has really gained popularity among many investors. For instance, in the beginning of the year 2008, it is clear that over nine billion dollars were spent in the new assets. In addition, the average returns received annually by many firms were above average by 25% (Alpha Calling, 2013 p. 1). Since emerging markets are characterized by unpredictability in terms of inflation or the

He owners of land can suffer harm and Tort serves to rectify the Essay

He owners of land can suffer harm and Tort serves to rectify the situation. Is this true with regard to real property - Essay Example However, in mordern days, most of the tort cases related to land property are highly subject to a lot of other considerations such as the public interests and distance to the exact location of the land owner’s property among others. In response to the continuously changing reforms within the English legal system, commercial property lawyers should consider all other statutory guidelines which can directly affect the judges’ final decision when it comes to torts related to land property. For example, when dealing with cases related to â€Å"aggravated trespass in buildings†, commercial property lawyers should consider the guidelines stipulated under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 20032. There are cases wherein the land owners can suffer from harm. In line with this, the main purpose of this study is to determine whether or not Tort law in UK can serve as a solution to situations wherein the land owners are suffering from harm. As a common knowledge, the scope of th e English tort law is too broad. Therefore, in relation to different kind of tort law, this study will make use of several past and current cases to examine the extend in which tort law can rectify situations related to real property. Examples of Tort Cases Related to Real Property Nuisance is legally defined as â€Å"a wrongful interference with the plaintiff’s use or enjoyment of property†3. Unlike in the case of trespassing, nuisance is pertaining to an indirect act of invading or entering the property of another person whether it be an object or not4. Under the English tort law, the land owners can sue another party that causes direct or indirect damages to the property, nuisances, or negligence. For instance, in the case of Miller v Jackson5, Mr. and Mrs. Miller (the plaintiffs) legally sued the chairman of a cricket club in County Durham (defendant) for nuisance and negligence6. Due to close geographical situation with the club (approax. 100 feet), there were ins tances wherein the cricket balls could hit the Miller’s property causing minor damages not only to the house paint but also to their brickworks and roof tiles7, 8, 9. Furthermore, the Millers were also at risk of physical injury each time there is a cricket game10. To address the problem, the club took some measures by putting up a fence and boundary walls. It even came to a point wherein the club offered the Millers ?400 for the minor property damages and promised them that the club would invest in putting up a net to protect the Millers’ garden. Since the Millers were not contented with the said arrangement, the couple filed a case against the club. After hearing the case, Reeve J. decded that the club should pay the Millers the amount of ?150 for the damages, inconvenience, and invasion of Millers’ property11. After the plaintiffs appealed the case, both Geoffrey Lane LJ and Cumming-Bruce LJ12 supported the Millers’ side explaining that the situation c an cause serious nuisance to the couple and each time the cricket ball would cross-over the Millers’ fence and cause damges to the Millers’ property makes the club guilty of negligence13, 14, 15. Because of the need to balance the public interests (i.e. the people who were accustomed in playing the crickets in that area for the past 70 years) with the interest of the property owner close within the said jurisdiction16, 17, 18, 19, Lord Denning decided that the club

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Managment in arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managment in arts - Essay Example FNAC (National French Collection of Contemporary Art) can be considered as an example of cultural diversity in selecting the artistic works. Fifty percent of the arts collection contains French works while the other fifty percent comprises the works of arts of non-French artists. The numbers of bought works of art are French as well as non-French and are bought in a similar ratio. There is no restriction in terms of nationality and origin of the artist in terms of his/her artistic work and the works of art are bought and sold without any obligation concerning culture, nationality or origin. As far as ratio of artistic work from other nationalities is concerned, it is not equal. FNAC indicates that the artistic works from US are enormous in ratio as compared to other countries. The higher ratio from which, the works of art belong are from western richest economies such as United States, Britain, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. The collection of artistic works at FNAC contains the artistic works from 55 different countries, which represents that globalization has impacted the sector of artistic work to a great extent. The structure of artists’ nationalities is not affected because of increasing or decreasing ratio of non-French artistic works. There is a hierarchy, which is followed in order to give positions to the works of art. Globalization has not opened grounds for the poor but has provided more grounds to the rich. United States is considered at the top in terms of hierarchy of works of art in terms of foreign representation. Collections of the works of arts at various places in the world give prominence to the artists of the place while the artistic works from prominent countries such as United States, France, Britain, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Belgium and many others, are also considered crucial and given concentration on the basis of the nationalities of the artists. The artists are

V6 & V8 Car Engines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

V6 & V8 Car Engines - Essay Example The V6 engines are better than V8 engines because they are not as big as the V8 engines, are more fuel-efficient, can be produced in V8’s production line, and are more affordable for an average American. Fuel usage and reasonable speeds are the leading factors that an individual should consider before buying an engine. The V6 engines have been remodeled to include these properties. This is because, speed and fuel usage are the properties that the engine displays and uses when in use. Therefore, it is worth considering the fuel usage and speed displayed by V6 or V8 engines. Efficient and economical engine is worth buying than fuel guzzling engines. Understanding the speed and power of the engine is important for drivers especially when they are using the car. The 6-cylinder V6 turbo engine and the 8-cylinder V8 engines display different qualities and specification; thus, it is worth determining which of the two is best for the American car users (Gearhead). Initially, V8 engines were known to be more powerful than V6 engines because the later were known to be slow in speed, noisy and less powerful. However, the manufacturers became concerned about these defects and decided to correct them; a move that led to the 2014 manufacturing of the new V6. The GM manufacturers made the new 2014 V6 to operate under the modern technology within the car industry. Some of these technologies include the casting processes and full four cams phrasing to the ultra-fast with a torque-based engine. The V6 turbo engine is known for its low fuel usage, but has high car functioning speed. On the other hand, the V8 is a higher fuel consumer when functioning under the same features and technologies as V6. Therefore, the V6 engine model is more desirable and satisfying then V8 (Tori). It is also necessary noting that the V6 engines are economical for the American society. When analyzing the fuel usage

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Managment in arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managment in arts - Essay Example FNAC (National French Collection of Contemporary Art) can be considered as an example of cultural diversity in selecting the artistic works. Fifty percent of the arts collection contains French works while the other fifty percent comprises the works of arts of non-French artists. The numbers of bought works of art are French as well as non-French and are bought in a similar ratio. There is no restriction in terms of nationality and origin of the artist in terms of his/her artistic work and the works of art are bought and sold without any obligation concerning culture, nationality or origin. As far as ratio of artistic work from other nationalities is concerned, it is not equal. FNAC indicates that the artistic works from US are enormous in ratio as compared to other countries. The higher ratio from which, the works of art belong are from western richest economies such as United States, Britain, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. The collection of artistic works at FNAC contains the artistic works from 55 different countries, which represents that globalization has impacted the sector of artistic work to a great extent. The structure of artists’ nationalities is not affected because of increasing or decreasing ratio of non-French artistic works. There is a hierarchy, which is followed in order to give positions to the works of art. Globalization has not opened grounds for the poor but has provided more grounds to the rich. United States is considered at the top in terms of hierarchy of works of art in terms of foreign representation. Collections of the works of arts at various places in the world give prominence to the artists of the place while the artistic works from prominent countries such as United States, France, Britain, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Belgium and many others, are also considered crucial and given concentration on the basis of the nationalities of the artists. The artists are

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sources of Donations for BYS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sources of Donations for BYS - Research Paper Example Sources of Donations for BYS The purpose of this study is to explore how public relation marketing can help in raising funds and gaining donations as well as creating brand image. It also gives an overview of planning and management that will help to find the source for donation that matches the ethical standards of an organization. Donations prove to be the best way for any organization to engage itself in public relation marketing. It all depends on the relationship maintained with other organizations, which can possibly generate donations for BYS. The ethical standards of the company define the communication and relationship it maintains with other companies. As every organization has its own â€Å"ethical codes† which the employees have to follow, based on this one can create recognition for the brand and organization. Newspapers, magazines, press release and digital media are the sources that facilitate public relation marketing for donation. To align with the values of public relation marketing there should be persuasion and influence among the people, and the â€Å"power to persuade† depends purely on the individual’s ability. The credibility of an organization depends on branding and it comes from public relation marketing. To gather more source of donation from other firms there sho uld be a proper communication and good awareness of brand and it can be done through public relation marketing. Public opinion is formed through â€Å"communication model† and the individuals who practice public relation play the most important role in communication cycle. (p. 35). It is their knowledge that helps the organization to ensure smooth performance. Public relation practitioners help the firm to gain trust from their key clients. People expect the organization to be good and contribute socially for a good cause. In this context, public relation marketing and social responsibility go hand in hand. Challenges faced during this process, however, can affect the values of public and community. Therefore, the organization should not encourage activities that may negatively impact the company’s relationship with the media. Communication break down can result in poor response for brand publicity as well as the source for donation. In large scale enterprises, donatio n work is done by the public relation department, who are responsible for marketing the areas of interest among the targeted audience. Proper allocation of investment and sponsorship are the essence of public relation marketing for donation source. Right choice of marketing benefits the brand image and helps in creating a really impressive impact on donors. The partners and stakeholders of a company are the biggest beneficiaries of the organization’s brand image. Hence before getting into marketing for a particular cause there should be choice of donors. The ethical professional standards of the company are designed by the CEO and the public relation officers. The credibility of the company comes from loyalty, which should be basically maintained through public relation by the professionals. This calls for setting a timeframe as well as aligning the efforts of individuals with the values and ethics of public relation. Describe two sources of donations that do not align with t he values of public relations marketing and BYS’s mission. Analyze how these donors could diminish BYS’s reputation for providing services based on ethical standards. Few think that socializing with other firms or taking gifts for expanding business is unethical and can bring down the brand image. If the company is looking for donation for a particular cause, then there should be a sincere way of approach based on company policy. The ethical standards of th

Western Civilization Essay Example for Free

Western Civilization Essay Between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries, early modern European society began to fear the possibility that witches existed in their midst. The resultant panic led to massive persecution in the form of the trial and torture and subsequent execution of a 40,000 to 50,000 suspected witches, about 75% of which were women, over a period of 100,000 trials between 1450 and 1750. While estimates written in the mid-1970s place the figures at about 9 million women, this is an exaggerated estimate derived from extremist or polemical feminist accounts which seek to create a proto-feminist depiction of this period. Still, it is difficult to cite any other period in which women were persecuted and subject to atrocities of a similar or larger scale. In any case, it was rapid social, economic and religious transformation in Europe during this time that ‘helped’ set the stage for these witch hunts. Gibbons (1998) notes that the spread of Christianity led to a religious homogeneity that gave way to a declining tolerance towards pagan religions and witchcraft. Additionally, Europe in the early 14th century was crippled by rumors of a ‘malign conspiracy’ to bring down Christianized nations. In essence, the decline of religious diversity that comes with the hegemonic presence of Christianity as spiritual way of life of the common European meant that acceptance of other religions was rapidly diminished. The Black Death or bubonic plague which struck Europe during the mid 14th century intensified the rumors of the aforementioned conspiracy under the allegation that the plague was the creation of witches and other pagans who ostensibly sought to destabilize Christian rule. The implicit impact of the Reformation upon European Christendom also supports this view. During this period, the number of witch trials actually dropped, notes Gibbons (1998). As such, the conflict between the entrenched Catholicism and the emerging Protestant movement resulted in the collapse of Christian orthodoxy. Also, it is interesting to note that only the nations in which rapid development was occurring that the witch hunt panic was at its strongest. Spain, Italy and Portugal did not experience as much panic as the nations of Germany and Switzerland. In any case, the prevailing instability of Europe during this time exacerbated the witch panic. Because European civilization depended heavily on a homogenous grain-based agriculture – but without many of the industrial (albeit environmentally unsustainable) advances and insurances that it enjoys today – it was much more susceptible to the dangers of crop failure. Sociologists have noted that such crop failures are correlated with the occurrence of witch hunts, with the explanation being that there is a tendency within humans to blame inexplicable disaster on a much more ‘known’ variable (albeit one that is not well understood). Communities which experienced the crop failure would take their anxieties out on the community members who were considered deviant and therefore concluded to be responsible for such crop failures. Such a sociological explanation is not far removed from the same conditions which gave rise to the anti-Semitic sentiment that gave rise to Nazism, which blamed the Jewish people for economic problems. By the 18th century, the witch hunts began to subside. Perhaps the most significant macro explanation for this decline was the restoration of stability to Europe, which Hannam (2007) describes as creating an absence of the reasons that started them in the first place. For example, the height of the Salem witch trials occurred when theocratic authority was in question. Greater protections were given to impoverished women when England implemented the Poor Law. Also, radical new works in social thought led to greater acceptance of cultural and religious diversity and pluralism. REFERENCES Kagan, D. , Ozment, S. , Turner, F. (2007) The Western Heritage. 9th Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall. Gibson, J. (1998) â€Å"Recent Developments In The Study of the Great European Witch Hunt. † Pomegranate, Issue 5 Hannam, J. (2007) â€Å"The Decline of Witch Trials in Europe. † Medieval Science and Philosophy. Retrieved May 23, 2008 from: http://jameshannam. com/witchtrial. htm

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Making Punishment Fit The Crime

Making Punishment Fit The Crime Crimes such as drug possession, petty theft, and forgery are non-violent, sometimes victimless crimes, yet over half the United States prison population consists of these type of offenders. Most prisons in the United States house more prisoners than they were built to hold. The United States spends more than forty billion dollars each year on incarceration. Prison overcrowding seems to be the reason that many offenders are kept out of prison, sentenced to short prison terms, and released long before their sentence is complete. Child molesters, armed robbers, and rapists are often paroled as a solution to easing prison overcrowding. Meanwhile, some first-time offenders that commit non-violent crimes are not given the opportunity to be paroled and sometimes end up serving more time than offenders that commit violent crimes. Alternative sentencing can serve as a remedy to prison overcrowding and unfair punishment. Alternative sentencing is a program designed to make punishments fit the crime. Rather than sending a non-violent offender to prison, offenders are alternatively sentenced to punishments such as probation, electronic monitoring, community service, and drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Alternative sentencing can help to keep an offender from re- offending, thus decreasing the prison population and spending less taxpayer money on prisons. It can also help inmates who have completed their sentence transition back into society successfully. Some states, like Pennsylvania, are reducing prison sentences and releasing non-violent prisoners in order for them to participate in alternative sentencing programs. However, in order to receive alternative sentencing, offenders must meet certain qualifications such as not having a lengthy criminal record, not having committed a serious felony, and must not pose a risk to themselves or the community. According to Bennet, Brandeis Universitys National Institute for Sentencing Alternatives studied North Carolina prisoners criminal histories and its director, Mike Corrigan, said his staff found that 20 to 30 percent of North Carolina prisoners were likely to be safely punished outside prison (Bennet, par 10). Institutions like Brandeis make recommendations to state legislators for alternative sentencing programs. . Unfortunately, state legislators can pass laws that prevent judges from using alternative sentencing especially during election years. Politicians that run their campaigns on the get tough on crime slogan, make it difficult for alternative programs to stay in existence or new programs to be created. Candidates running for the position of judge do not support these programs and judges that are up for re-election tend not to sentence alternatively during election years. One program, however, that most get tough on crime politicians are in favor of is boot-camp for young mal e offenders. This program was started in Georgia and is now being used by 11 states and is said to be working effectively. Boot camp is a much cheaper alternative to prison. It uses a military type of discipline that trains young men to not want to choose to live a life of crime and are less likely to re-offend when released from the program. Other examples of alternative punishment are community service, which can be very cost effective because it uses offenders to perform public labor. It can save money for counties, cities, and states by using this free labor. A punishment for alcohol related crimes like DUI is having a breathalyzer installed on an offenders vehicle which only allows the engine to start after a person blows into it an has no alcohol on his or her breath. This is paid for by the offender and can be a successful deterrent for the offender to consume alcohol, while keeping drunk drivers off the road. Sentencing a petty thief to work a full time job and use his salary to pay restitution to his victim can be a deterrent for an offender to commit another burglary. A drug possession charge where a person is caught with a small amount of drugs can be punished using a plea deal from the prosecutor to have the person voluntarily enroll in a substance abuse program. People convicted of tax evasion can be sentenc ed to a fine and probation rather than being given a prison sentence. Non-violent offenders have to be willing to commit and must want to be show signs of rehabilitation in order for alternative sentencing programs to be effective. Some programs require an offender to retain employment, submit to random drug screenings, electronic monitoring, and weekly meetings with probation officers. An individuals circumstances and environment can be an influence in committing a crime. Someone born into poverty and living in a drug infested community, is more likely to commit a crime than a person who is brought up in better surroundings. These facts are often taken into consideration when a judge hands down a sentence. Because of this, some people oppose alternative punishment. Living in a community that has a high crime rate often leads an offender to re-offend when he is released. Other circumstances like mental illness can be a reason for an individual to commit a crime. Mental illness is another factor that is taken into consideration when a judge hands down a sentence. California has implemented a law that allows alternative sentencing for some veterans. An example of this is an ex-marine that served in the war in Iraq, suffering from and extreme case of post traumatic stress disorder. He walked into a bank unarmed and used a note demanding money from a bank teller. Accord ing to the law, the judge could have sentenced him to 5 years in prison, but he was instead placed in a treatment facility. In the article Coming Home, Sample states that In addition to combat vets with PTSD, the law applies to those suffering from substance abuse or unspecified psychological ailments (Sample, par 4). Many lawyers actually advertise alternative punishment as a means of obtaining clients. These lawyers make every effort to keep an offender out of prison. Some find this to be a despicable means of advertisement as it lures criminals to certain lawyers in order to avoid a prison sentence. Advertisements of this type are useful for an offender that has no criminal record and is convicted of a misdemeanor. The lawyer can help a client like this to receive punishment such as probation, community service, electronic monitoring, or substance abuse treatment. After completing his or her alternative sentence, this offender will more than likely be rehabilitated and less likely to re-offend. On the other hand, alternative sentencing is not likely if these lawyers defend individuals charged with a felony and have lengthy criminal records. Some states such as California and Michigan, utilize a Jail Overcrowding Task Force. The main purpose for this task force is come up with ways to use prison resources to prevent prison overcrowding and save taxpayer dollars for more useful programs such as health care and education. The down side to this is that some counties utilize early release programs for prisoners with very short sentences and do not require offenders to participate in any type community service or rehabilitation program. On the other hand, there are work furlough programs that include electronic monitoring. This is a more acceptable means of alternative punishment. Inmates with short sentences are allowed to obtain employment while serving their sentence. A portion of the offenders paycheck is garnished and paid to the state as a means of paying for his or her incarceration To further alleviate prison overcrowding, electronic monitoring is sometime allowed for these individuals so they are not utilizing a pris on bed that can be used for a violent criminal. A down side to this is the program was expanded and now allows unemployed individuals to participate in electronic monitoring without paying any money to the state. According to Edge, some judges have returned to the colonial sentence of shaming to punish people convicted of crimes. (83). This type of punishment is called public notice. Public notice is a punishment that publicly shames the criminal in an attempt to change his or her attitude and conduct. An excellent example of this is a judge ordering a man convicted of accidental homicide to parade in front of a bar with a sign that read, I killed two people while driving drunk. This public ridicule often deters a criminal from re-offending. The Victim-Offender Mediation Program (VOMP) is a program that involves the victim of a crime. Offenders have a face-to-face meeting with the victim or victims family members and a trained mediator. The offender is told how his or her crime affected the victim and/or family. This can make the offender feel remorse for his crime and explain why he committed the crime and even apologize for it. This program is often successful with juvenile offenders that commit non-violent crimes. In conclusion, each state has its own rules for the punishment of criminals called sentencing guidelines, which are sentencing policies prosecutors and judges use for people convicted of serious misdemeanors and felonies. The crime and the criminals previous criminal history are considered when a judge hands down a sentence. People that oppose alternative sentencing argue that an individuals circumstances are unique and should be considered during sentencing, otherwise there is a possibility of re-offending. People in favor of alternative sentencing argue that otherwise, judges could sentence offenders to different punishments for the same crime. The end result is that prison overcrowding in the United States will never end unless alternative sentencing programs are utilized for non-violent offenders. Prisoners incarcerated for violent crimes and who have lengthy criminal records should not even be considered for alternative sentences.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Symbolism in Arthur Millers A View from the Bridge Essay -- essays re

In Arthur Miller’s tragic drama, ‘A View from the Bridge’, we see that the bridge itself is a symbol of the linking of two cultures, Italian (namely Sicilian) and American (namely New York), whereby the manifestation of these two cultures dwell in Red Hook, Brooklyn. Despite this, differences between the two are distinctly evident from page 17 to 18, and it is the purpose of this essay to discuss how Miller conveys these differences in the given pages. Miller uses language effectively in this play, his use of dialogue, of which makes up the bulk of the drama is his main tool in conveying the large cultural differentiation between Red Hook and Sicily. We know only of Sicily by the way in which Marco and Rodolpho describe it, similarly we do not get to see all of Red Hook (the composite set is all the audience sees) yet we know how it is by the way players talk about it and how they interact with each other within the community. Marco is the first of the two immigrants that enter the Carbone household to shed light on the differences between Sicily and Red Hook, when asked if he had...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison was written on the heels of the World War II. It was a rebuilding time, a time of new birth for our nation. Ellison, an enlisted soldier came out of the war with haunting imagery that he crafted on the page. He exited the war filled with suffering and depression. He found isolation as a means of transitioning back into society. Invisible Man is a story of characters that chose to hide out from society, living underground. I will argue why Ellison’s satirical approach tapped into segregation issues and was a powerful and influential means of reaching an audience that can relate to its theme on many different levels. Death is an overwhelming subplot within the theme of Ellison’s masterwork. He chose a satirical approach to lighten the weight of death. Yet, at the same time, the powerful impact that death has on individuals is viewed with clarity due to his poetic, colorful, and humorous means of reaching his audience. He opens the story with satire while probing into the inner meanings of one’s path in life. This, in effect, lays the groundwork for our protagonist, the narrator. Ellison penned, I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer. (p. 15). this quote lets us in on the narrator’s persona. It begins. Our protagonist—and narrator—is a young boy who overhears his grandfather’s last dying words. These words remain deeply wedged within him, through high school and college. Issues beyond death play important roles in this novel as well. Ellison digs deep and moves across thin ice, so-to-speak, when he brings in issues such as incest, stereotyping and exploitation of women to the table; thus, without satirical softening through dialogue and deep—even poetic—story telling, readers might question his motive if he didn’t take the stance of satire. The article The Music of Invisibility from City of Words offers a very telling analysis that helps in the argumentative stance I have taken in Ellison’s work, Invisible Man. Just as the narrator is about to be sent away from college for his behaviors at the bar and brothel, he senses that he is losing his own identity, the only one he’s ever known. This identity was forged in his childhood. The letters from Dr. Bledsoe had the initial intent of guiding him to find a job that will, in turn, lead him into the bowels of his higher educational pursuits. They, instead, backfire. The letters hinder his progress, as it is Bledsoe’s secret scheme to keep him as far away from higher educational pursuits as possible. We see the issue of death surface over and over in the story. Early on, our narrator is led into a bar filled with mental patients from a nearby veteran’s hospital. Ellison displays an elderly man, near death, who is pushed around in the bar by our ‘mental’ patrons. They treat our narrator and the old man like a toy, feigning any morale fiber whatsoever. A barroom brawl ensues with your stereotypical beer-bottle-throwing scene. Then, to satirize the situation further, our narrator leads the unconscious old man into an upper flat to get away from the warring men down in the bar. The upper room is filled with prostitutes who miss the gravity of this dying man’s situation. One prostitute says, â€Å"I sho do. I just love ‘em. Now this one, old as he is, he could put his shoes under my bed any night. † (p. 88) Also, it’s no coincidence that the bar and brothel are on the other side of the railroad tracks. This represented an underground segment of society gone wild, yet another segregated piece of society growing in two directions: the pleasure seekers and, at the other end of the spectrum, we have the good-natured cynic. So, depending on what side of the track a person walks, their political stance will vary. As our narrator returns to his college campus, he exits from the â€Å"apparent† lower crust of society that dwells in saloons and goes window-shopping through brothels and enters his collegiate setting. Here, however, we see segregation in the lime light: his bubbly roommate enters with a hopeful girlfriend. The narrator states that she’ll probably become impregnated. This rude remark that he hoped will get a negative reaction actually wins him praise—denouncing this segment of society that claims higher status due to their educational pursuits. We see how the symbol of fertility for college students is viewed in stark contrast to the middle-class expectations many of the students were raised in. Our narrator is confronted by campus officials for going to the bar and brothel in the first place and even called â€Å"nigger,† which inflames our narrator—and rightly so. This hits the mark of segregation that Ellison was reaching for. He does it with biting clarity. They even threaten to expel our narrator and, the reverse-discrimination attempts by our narrator are of no use in this situation—at least in so far as the ruling official is concerned. Ellison wrote, â€Å"He said that I believed white was right,† I said. â€Å"What? † Suddenly his face twitched and cracked like the surface of dark water. (p. 140) The intensity of this argumentative scene is strengthened further by Ellison’s use of satire within a deeply scarred scene where segregation is toyed with. The official even goes on to yell at our narrator by asking if the man in question was â€Å"northern or southern. † This geographic tip is almost a slap in the face and could only b softened, again, with Ellison’s satire-like plotting and character development. Then, our narrator is staged into a scene of isolation by Ellison. It is in this very state of isolation that the narrator begins to gain confidence. He wants to represent his school with pride. He goes to Harlem. Aboard a subway, our narrator is pushed into a white woman. She gives little, if any notice, of him. Even her lack of concern over the narrator’s close proximity adds mysterious intensity to the scene as centuries of racial tension are nearly impossible to ignore. He, then, meets up with a huge contingent of black’s from Harlem. A riot is brewing; yet, the police lead him to the Men’s House. Eventually, our narrator’s agitation surrounding all this racial tension and segregation issues gets to him. As the scene unfold Ralph Ellison weaves sarcastic wit into the story by mixing rage into his thoughts with memories of our narrator’s childhood. A vendor is seen buttering a yam which swells him with nostalgia. He is beyond feeling homesick as he is drown in rage. He becomes vengeful over his own past. He attacks Bledsoe and is laughing at the same time. The yam becomes a form of life insurance, or a life policy. Why should he feel embarrassment of his youth? Instead, he chooses to eat them whenever he wants, and he’ll be more than pleased. Ellison describes this satire in the following, â€Å"These here is real, sweet, yaller yams. How many? â€Å"One,† I said. â€Å"If they’re that good, one should be enough. † (p. 263) Ellison creates more satire—again with death. Here, the satire is the necessary writerly element that creates impact without losing the reader. I cut through a block in which there were a dozen funeral parlors, each decked out with neon signs, all set up in old brownstone buildings (p. 286). This satirical segment of the novel creates the humor necessary to softens the blow regarding respecting the dead and families in mourning. Rinehart is another key player in the storyline that is heavily tainted in satirical prose. Rinehart is a very suspicious and distrustful member of the Harlem community who holds his share of power. Rinehart is also a manipulator. The narrator never meets up with Rinehart. He wears dark green shades an a big hat for a disguise—another agent of mockery crafted by Ellison that make fun of how society tries to hide from one another, yet they are always obvious to someone in the crowd of life; for the people walking the streets recognize him. According to the narrator, Rinehart has taken on many roles: zoot suit wearer, Reverend, and player. He uses his reverend stature to manipulate others to believe in him and follow his requests. Rinehart is the poster-child manipulator of his culture. As the novel nears its end, our narrator makes a leap of faith, so to speak. He is tossed back into his own past and life experiences. Now he envisions his past as a unified whole. He believes in his Brotherhood experiences; for they have shown how blinded he was in his youth. He sees all the liars and hypocrites in society. He discovers that he can make them feel happy when he preaches what they want to hear. This is yet another satirical slant taken by Ellison that wraps up his characterization and thematic nature. In closing, it is clear that the impact of Ellison’s Invisible Man was so persuasive due to his knack for mixing satire into his storyline. With all the issues that he brought to light— segregation, racism, and gender inequality—satire was the lightening element that helped keep the story moving as our narrator discovered himself, first in isolation and finally as a member of this society filled with hypocrites and those yearning for equality.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

”Bon Voyage, Mr President” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Essay

Bon Voyage, Mr President is a short story written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. This is a tale of a South American President in exile. Nearing the end of his days, we are given an insight into the life of a man with injured pride, reminiscing the days that went by and so fast, where the President had lost everything he had worked for and knew. Quotes Bon Voyage, Mr. President ‘Resting on the silver handle of his cane’ This quotation emphasises the Presidents elegance and importance. His importance is enforced by the fact he carries a cane and not a common walking stick. A cane being the common tool of intimidation used by the military and by those who feel they are superior to the average civilian. The silver handle on the cane illustrates his elegance. He had style, elegance and capital, as well as authority, his overall effect being a man of status. ‘He was one more incognito in the city of illustrious incognitos’ This quotation is a contradiction. Incognito means in disguise, while illustrious means to stand out. This paradox sums up the President; he wants to not be noticed, but still wants fame. So while wearing clothes everyone else was wearing, something would make him stand out. He wants fame and power, but not for being the President in exile. ‘Only the weariness of his skin betrayed the state of his health’ Where the president dressed stylishly, with fine clothes, and his hair did not give away hints of age, with strands of grey hair, his skin was haggard and wrinkled that of an old man. The quotation shows that the president looked young and acted young, and if it were not for his skin he could have passed for a younger man. ‘On his first visit to Geneva the lake had been calm and clear and there were tame gulls that would eat of one’s hand’ This is a good example of Rhetoric. It uses sub textual language and Marquez uses persuasive writing. This statement implies that the president was very powerful and using the gulls as an analogy, compares them to civilians and how, once, they were at his beck and call. Reconstruction ‘When arriving in Trinidad he became one more poor man in a country full of powerful poor men’ This quotation is a contradiction; the stereo-typical poor person would not be powerful. This paradox expresses how the President must have felt. Opposed to his power and wealth from running a country, he was now somewhat inferior. In exile in a foreign country, he was surrounded by men that were raised in this milieu. Powerful, by the means, that they knew and almost dictated how everything worked. ‘Only the slight problem of not being a legal citizen in Trinidad deceived the actual situation of his affairs’ This quotation is a pejorative fact. The President might feel it a positive situation, as he could not be tied emotionally to any one place, so he cannot be hurt if he is, once more, thrown out, as in the case of Columbia. However it could also be a negative factor because things that will be a necessity for a comfortable life, e.g. a job, would be almost impossible to achieve. Free Choice; the Perplexing Simplicity of a Lack of Nothing ‘One never can see the thing in itself, because the mind does not transcend phenomena’ This statement has sub textual meaning. On the surface it means, you cannot see something if the mind does not believe that it can out do the extra-ordinary. But underneath that, I feel that this quotation almost has a moralistic sub textual meaning, this being if you think that within yourself, you can’t do something and you don’t attempt to, you will never be able to. Once convinced it is impossible, it is. ‘My vision began to diminish in both scope and clarity, and I prayed despondently for the message that I had left to be procured by those to whom I had intended it, and not by those to whom the exorbitant value was exceeded only by their macabre predilections’ This quotation is a fine example of the stereo-typical religious belief that praying in a difficult situation, you will be relieved of all problems. The character looks towards G-d to firstly protect him and secondly protect the information he has been entrusted with being recounted to the wrong people. The character believes that g-d will help him and this is a very good illustration of idolism. There are many comparisons to make between the above eight quotes, as well as between the three extracts, all being entirely individual pieces. Bon Voyage, Mr. President and the Reconstruction are both somewhat related in the means that they have the same story line and background, the similarities very evident. But, however, The Perplexing Simplicity of a Lack of Nothing is a very diverse piece of writing, expressing confusion, desperation and obscurity opposed to Bon Voyage, Mr. President and the Reconstruction, which was full of prosperity and understanding. All three of these extracts were well written and individual; however there are criticisms to be made. The President, in Bon Voyage, Mr. President, is a stereo-typical, military based, authoritarian figure. Things like ‘†¦stiff hat of a retired magistrate.’ Or ‘†¦arrogant moustache of a musketeer.’ all present the image of man in control, who would not commit a crime. In this description, nothing gives away any shrewdness or a clue that would reflect the offence he committed to be exiled. Marquez keeps some key information that would allow the reader to be more gripped by the short story, secret, and that, I feel, almost ruins the whole tale. By using a more Rhetoric type of writing the reader would find Marquez’s writing more intriguing. The Reconstruction is meant to be linked to Bon Voyage, Mr. President, however the author portrayed Mr. President as quite a different character. The author implied that the President was a laid back man, with much hope and little regret; he was looking towards the future and not at the past by saying ‘He now had a bounce in his step and he changed into a silk shirt with cotton shorts’. This Rhetoric gives the opposite impression to which Bon Voyage, Mr. President was trying to bestow. This is an easy mistake, but if read together would confuse the reader. The Perplexing Simplicity of a Lack of Nothing is a very difficult piece to understand, with maybe hidden meaning. There was hardly any significance that could be drawn from it. A huge failure, of the author, was that, there did not seem to be any constant story line, there was a base, but the majority jumped from idea to idea. Also, the words used were difficult to comprehend in a short story and too many used too close together. This material was more novel quality rather than an extract or short story, the author should have kept in mind what type of story they were asked to compose and not trail from it.

My Interpretation of Islamic Mysticism

Raised as a Christian, I were taught by my family to trust the conscience were Jesus would speak to me.   The intuition and the inner voice are other names used by people to describe the conscience.   All the same, the use of the conscience to guide oneself through life’s challenges as well as simple day to day affairs is based on the fact that Jesus were the Spirit of the Lord and the same Spirit resides in each one of us.   Bearing this in mind, none of us may truly go wrong.   Hence, I have never really believed in strict rules of the Lord to guide me to heaven.   Rather, I trust in the Spirit of the Lord or Jesus Christ who lives in me to guide me in all situations. Imam Birgivi’s mysticism, in addition to the religions of others, have never appealed to me for the reason that they teach strict rules to their followers.   Nevertheless, Birgivi’s chapter, â€Å"On Righteousness,† quotes many verses of the Qur’an which I appreciate just as much as I love the words of Jesus in the Gospels.   Divine words about the Garden are truly a message of hope for all people suffering from the stress of worldly existence.   Birgivi also writes extensively on fear of the Lord. Jesus Christ spoke of this fear as well, although the love of God must be balanced with fear in our emotional lives.   In other words, we cannot excessively fear and love the Lord at the same time.   Moreover, fear of the Lord is essential, especially for those who turn into murderers or terrorists.   Although I believe in freedom that the Spirit of the Lord entitles me to feel – I also believe that fear of the Lord should be an important part of our belief systems, seeing that this fear could keep people from destroying their own lives as well as the lives of others. Birgivi’s chapter, â€Å"On Identifying Evil,† once again leads me to turn to the Sprit of Jesus Christ within me.   Jesus knew when Satan tried to seduce him.   The Lord’s Prayer has taught me to request God to keep me away from temptations.   Jesus also taught his followers to struggle against the devil.   In particular, he taught the believers to shun the devil with their authority – the authority of the Spirit of the Lord.   Thus, I do not wish to fear the devil.   Birgivi writes that we must fear the influence of the devil’s suggestions.   But, I am not convinced by the idea of fearing the devil, seeing that Jesus Christ gave me power over the devil.   I would simply trust in warding off evil thoughts and keeping away from evildoing. Moreover, I would not like to focus on the kinds of doubts that Birgivi asks me to shun.   From everything that I have learned about Jesus Christ, I know that he had the clearest focus and clearest mind.   I would like to develop such a clear focus and mind, instead of thinking about the differences between good and evil suggestions.   I believe that these debates within the self would not allow me to live the life of freedom that the Spirit of the Lord has guided me to live.   Lastly, I am confident that my trust in the Lord should be strong enough to keep me away from evil as it is.   I do not need to learn about the difference between good and evil when the Spirit of the Lord within me is all good and without a trace of evil. References Birgivi, Imam. The Path of Muhammad: A Book on Islamic Morals and Ethics & The Last Will and Testament.         

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

In what ways did laws and actions concerning the westward expansion of Essay

In what ways did laws and actions concerning the westward expansion of the United states in the first half of the 19th Century ( - Essay Example As time passed by, however, negotiations gradually grew difficult as factions began polarizing triggered by events that defined each state’s values and interests. This was particularly evidenced during the westward territorial expansion of the US in the early 19th century. These events cultivated and advanced the schism that ultimately led to the Civil War between the North and the South. The Louisiana Purchase, for example, which was negotiated by the Jefferson government in 1803 with Napoleon Bonaparte, became an issue of contention between anti-slavery and pro-slavery in the halls of Congress. Petitions from various northern states, which were anti-slavery, urging the prohibition of slavery in the newly purchased territory, were delivered both in Congress and the Senate by their representatives. Foremost among the anti-slavery speeches were delivered by the representatives from Illinois and Pennsylvania. Representative Cook of Illinois proposed the granting of the Louisiana territory to slave owners in exchange of abandoning the practice. On the other hand, pro-slavery states such as Smith of South Carolina and Smyth of Virginia fiercely defended slavery as a natural state of condition of black people (Shearer 2004). Another historical event within the same period that saw the clash of the anti-slavery north and pro-slavery south was when Missouri applied for statehood in 1820. Most Missouri settlers at that time came from the south, bringing with them their slaves. Immediately, the anti-slavery north representatives objected to the application unless Missouri ban all future slave imports and institute a gradual slave freedom scheme, and the Senate rejected to deliberate and vote on the issue at all. In what is known as the Missouri Compromise, Missouri was finally allowed statehood conditioned on the term that all future slavery north of the southern Missouri boundary will be banned. The Compromise essentially resulted in the creation of a fictional westward north-south line that governed the state of slavery in all of the US. The anti-slavery north was at least gratified that most of the territories included in the Louisiana Purchase were north of said boundary (Bergad 2005). The Missouri Compromise turned out to have left some issues unsettled that eventually emerged when Missouri’s constitution included a provision that called for the exclusion of free Negroes and mulattoes from its jurisdiction. Once again, debates in Congress and the Senate over slavery became alive. In a subsequent negotiation known as the Second Missouri Compromise, Missouri was finally admitted for statehood with an added provision as a caveat that the provision in issue shall not imply blanket authority to enact laws that impair the rights of citizens (Bergrad 2005). The Texas application in 1836 as a slave state for admission into the Union was another instance of overt and passionate clash between pro and anti-slavery factions that eventually led to the Civil War. It was some thought, the straw that eventually broke the camel’s back. Texas was a chief producer of cotton and this industry was largely hinged on slavery labor. When Texas was admitted into the union as a slave state, the feeling of antipathy

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Organizational Communication about internship Essay

Organizational Communication about internship - Essay Example The modern economy is moving from manufacturing to service orientation. In essence, service production is crucial to human life because it relates directly to human social activities (Downs & Adrian, 2012). Therefore, there are a lot of personal contacts with people. This is seen mostly in hospitality industries like hotels and restaurants. In such places, where business success is dependent on customer satisfaction, effective communication should be enhanced. A good communication strategy enhances customer satisfaction and attainment of organizational goals. Furthermore, because too much engagement with customers, communication helps to clear up misunderstanding and promote straightforward business deals free from inaccurate information, sarcasm, and personal attacks. Usually, customers are ‘right’ and they should be treated with utmost good faith to feel appreciated. This can be achieved by effective communication. According to Miller, (2014), there is no employee who wants to be a faceless cog. Irrespective of how small or big the organization is, workers who are not appreciated and accommodated will drain the moral of other workers leading to low productivity and high turnover. Before the voiceless employees drain others, the company can conduct regular employee surveys to ascertain issues affecting them. This is the most recommended method of getting their input clearly examined. Employee survey is paramount because the organization can identify the loopholes and take corrective measures. Surveys bring on board all the parties to understand what each one is expected to. As a result, productivity levels will be maintained. Written communication is formally accepted and removes doubts. Once words have been put on paper, it can easily be authenticated as opposed to written. Also, it cannot be easily altered and

Monday, October 7, 2019

Choose a topic from your personal knowledge and experience Essay

Choose a topic from your personal knowledge and experience - Essay Example The most important thing when learning English as a second language is to learn to be a good listener. Effective listening is very important since it helps you to understand some of the words and concepts that may appear challenging. I have realised that when you carefully listen to others, you may be in a position to quickly understand what they are trying to say. When you listen carefully, you are also able to ask questions to the speaker so that he or she may explain the points that you may require clarification. I have also observed that if you are a good listener, mutual understanding is likely to be created with the person you are communicating with. If there is mutual understanding between the two parties involved, it is quite easy to exchange information. From my own experience, I have observed my level of understanding of different terms has significantly improved following the adoption of this strategy. I can now easily understand the main subject of discussion without aski ng the speaker to repeat what he or she has said. The other important point I must emphasize in this particular case is that you should not shun the way of behaviour of the people in the host country if you are an international student. This can only create hostility and it is counterproductive. Therefore, I have noted that you must be as cooperative as much as possible in order to avoid conflicts of interest. If you treat other people as important, there are likely chances of learning quickly their culture as well as language. From my own perspective, I have rapidly developed cordial relationships with other students than I ever anticipated. When you are learning English as a second language, I have realised that learning by observing other people is very effective in as far as acquiring new knowledge is concerned. One important thing I

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Innovation and Technology Management - Long Tail Essay

Innovation and Technology Management - Long Tail - Essay Example rd to the explosion of online commerce and distribution is that this new distribution medium is changing the way products and services are consumed, away from the traditional model of mass consumption that is premised on scarcity of distribution resources and the need for hits to keep the markets for all kinds of goods and services viable and humming via a reliance on hits. In the new distribution paradigm, there is no additional cost to keeping non-hit products in the inventory, especially with regard to electronic goods such as music and books, and that pioneering companies in the new distribution channels, such as Amazon and Netflix, as well as Apple for music, are finding out that non-hit music, books and movies kept in stock and easily procured by specific niche consumers have come to constitute a steady stream of on-going business, This is to the extent that in some cases, the cumulative sales of these so-called long-tail products and services have come to account for a large p ortion of the total sales of these firms, dwarfing or becoming comparable to the sales of the hits products and services that used to account for all the sales. This is a new business reality that is the result of the online commerce revolution itself, and promises to be a very profitable new reality for those who know how to capitalize on the knowledge and implications of the long tail (Anderson 2004). The literature has come to unearth a large number of phenomena in the business world relating to the long tail, even as the term itself has come to be associated with the returns that can be had from keeping goods in stock for those items that are not in large demand but whose costs of distribution, marketing, warehousing, storage and merchandising are low enough that those costs are offset by marginal sales. Statistically too, the implication of the long tail concept is that there is money to be made within that area of the probability distribution for a population lying at the tails

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Develop Pitch Letters to Editors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Develop Pitch Letters to Editors - Essay Example Important Questions: What are the effects of recession in terms of fashion production, fashion themes, the hiring of fashion models, the holding of fashion shows? What are the opportunities for teen shoppers (e.g. where to find recession-chic stores or how to maximize a reader’s present wardrobe)? As runway shows and promotions for the publicity-driven fashion world suffer from cost-cutting, where can one see and find the latest news on the fashion trends? These questions would form the basis for my article. In addition, I am also looking at using several case studies of real people with recession-chic experience and how recession affected, say, their shopping patterns. To find the answers to these questions, I will interview fashion directors, designers, models and ordinary teens – all the stakeholders in the issue. The challenge that I can see in writing this article is how to lighten up the theme so as to be teen-friendly. I hope to do a very excellent piece and I see this feature running 2000+ words. I am a regular visitor of I find the site extremely convenient because 1) it caters to my taste; and, 2) I could find my fashion requirement for news, trends and clothes just by browsing the Internet. As a consumer, I find the web really helpful with the amount of shopping and fashion research you could finish in just one sitting. However, one of the downside of the medium is that you could not personally see products and items when buying online. I did have some experience of buying the wrong size or, there was just something off with the design, among other issues. And so I think that a story about custom tailoring might interest your site. Custom tailoring puts everybody at a distinct advantage. Someone going the custom route gets exactly what he or she wants – the choice of fabric,

Friday, October 4, 2019

Ap World History Hinduism and Christianity Essay Example for Free

Ap World History Hinduism and Christianity Essay Hinduism and Christianity are two of the thriving religions in the world today. Both religions help make up vast amount of worshiper all over the world. While both religions agree in some aspects, they differ in others, both impacting people around the globe in a unique way. Hinduism and Christianity are similar, in that loving god is one’s first responsibility in life. The two religions differ, in the number of gods or spirits they worship, and the founders of the religion. In both religions loving god is one’s first duty in life. In Hinduism believe that all existence is ranked: Brahman, humans, animals, plants, things. They believe that one has an essential life, or atman, a form of Brahman, and the goal of that life is to achieve moksha or union with Brahman. Similarly, Christians believe that God is above everything else, and by strengthening one’s relationship with God, it will allow one to achieve salvation, or an eternal life with God in Heaven. Differently, Hinduism is a polytheistic religion while Christianity is a monotheistic religion. Hindus believe in three main deities: Brahman, the creator, Vishnu, the preserver, and Shiva, the destroyer. Hindus worship a variety of deities, all which are aspects of Brahman. While on the other hand, Christianity believes in the worship of one deity, God the Father. Christianity believes that God is the creator of the Earth and has final judgment over every human. In contrast, Hinduism has no set founder of the religion. It is believed that a variety of different people contributed to the religion. It is said that the religion has been evolving for thousands of years and will continue to so. However, Christianity does have a set founder, Jesus of Nazareth. Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah, or son of God. Jesus’ moral teaching in of love, charity, and humility is still practiced today with little evolution. In conclusion, while Hinduism and Christianity differed in a set founder and the number of deities worshiped, they were similar in that loving your god is your first duty in life. While these religions differ, they remain predominant, continent to continent. These religions help shape the cultural diversity throughout the world.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

European Union Countries

European Union Countries Introduction European Union itself reflects globalization by changing laws of European countries, and also European Union is very important in worlds economy strategies. What does globalization mean, indeed? By definition, globalization is a process of change in some kind of area such as technology, trade market of war, which affects the whole world. Sometimes globalization can bring a great gift for the people of the world, sometimes not. The main idea of the European Union means to bring the peace to the whole world by respecting human rights and by uniting people together. As I said above the globalization has to affect at least few countries or whole world, other wise it is not globalization. The point is that European Union consists of twenty seven sovereign countries. And decision which comes from the European Union affects all this twenty seven countries. Also European Union has big influence in world trade market, because of the currency of the European Union is in the second place in tra de market. Also, economy of the European Union stays on the second place by the worlds rates. In addition, the European Union has voice in United Nations organization, and it can change most of the decisions either in good way or bad. The history of the European community is incredible, and it had experienced almost everything. European community had experienced wars between neighbor countries, revolutions, colonialism and many other things. However, now European community is one of the strongest economical powers in the world. Most of the time the European Union was an international organization, but now it has big influence in military services, also it functions in monetary system of the European countries, and it has big importance in economy. The European Union is a part of the government for each European country. Also, the monetary system of the European Union is one of the significant systems in Eurasia, which provides economic stability in European Countries. European Union All the great and powerful unions were not made at once. Unions were made step by step, and improving their visible and weak factors. In our days one of the powerful and influenced unions is European. â€Å"Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single, general plan. It will be built through concrete achievements, which first create a factor of solidarity†. (Robert Schuman). With this words Schuman declaration accurately predicted the way in which the Community has become the Union today. When the European countries created the European Union, the first target of the union was to gain a peace between European countries. In 1950 the European organizations such as European Coal and Steel Community started to unite countries, because this organizations wanted to keep the peace between European countries, and also it was big benefit to European countries in economical and political spheres. Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg and the Netherlands were the countries which formed first European Union. The speech given by French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman inspired European countries to unite. (The history of EU). One of the successes which European Union gained was stopping of custom charges between European countries. Also, the member countries of the European Union made contract between each others to control production of food. This decision was made to improve agricultural structure, and the European Union wanted to produce enough food for the member countries. (The ‘Swinging Sixties a period of economic growth). â€Å"1962 The Council of Europe adopts the first directive. It establishes the EEC global foodstuff regulation by defining which colorants can be added to food.† (BBC News, 5 December, 2000). In 1967 the European Union had united the main ruling institutions, such as European Parliament, Commission and Court. (History of the European Union). Which meant that European institutions work as one system, and each member country of the European Union had a person who presented the countys interests. In 1992 the Treaty of Maastricht offered to have one single army, which in the situation of the threat they can protect each others interests as one power (History of the European Union). The European Union consists of twenty seven sovereign countries. Member countries of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom (Member State of the European Union). As the facts shows there are more countries which want to join European Union, and one of the main candidate is Turkey. The main achievement of these counties is democracy. Democracy means to protect human values, and it means freedom. These are the main values which European countries store. For over half a century, the European Union has: delivered half a century of stability, peace and prosperity within its member countries. European Union raised its citizens standards of living to unprecedented levels, and even strengthened Europes voice in the world. The European Union has given its member countries citizens many different benefits in different aspects of life. It has made life easier and more convenient in many ways. It has even promoted peace and a spirit of brotherhood between old rival nations. Another benefit of the European Union is a single currency. Joining European Union has many benefits, such as political, economical, social, and environmental. Republic of Poland, for example, gained all these benefits joining the European Union. The political benefit of Republic of Poland is to participate in acceptance of the laws in European institutions. Also, joining to the European Union provides Polish people to travel without visa in Europe, and Polish people can f ind the jobs in any part of the European Union. In addition, Republic of Poland can count on European Armys support in a situation of war conflict. The economical benefits are open market, changes in agriculture, and Poland can stabilize their inflation. Open market will provide Poland to sell their products in every European country, which will help to increase competition between companies, and it will decrease the prices of goods. (Joining European Union, List of Benefits) The social benefit which Poland gained was European standards of life. Also the Polish students who study in other parts of European Union can get scholarship, and they can provide their knowledge about Poland to student abroad. Another important benefit is environmental benefit which Republic of Poland gained joining European Union. The Poland should follow the environmental aspects of European Union, which means they will improve their environmental problems. (Joining European Union, List of Benefits). The European Union has given its citizens greater freedom of movement. Traveling within the European Union nations is now very convenient. In most of the European Union you can travel without carrying passport and without being stopped for the checks at the borders. A citizen of the European Union can travel, study and work wherever she or he chooses to in any of the European Union countries. Departments and policies of European Union The European Union has a very complex system. It has different bodies carrying different important jobs that make the system work properly. Each job has its significance. While all the member countries of the European Union work as one, and its system function well as one body, they become very successful as they take on many difficult tasks of accomplishing a united, integrated Europe. The countries that make up European Union are all committed to the same fundamental values, such as peace and democracy. And in this bases all ruling institutions has been made. The main institutions of the European Union: the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the Court of Justice and the European Court of Auditors. (EU institutions and other bodies). The European Parliament is one of the main institutions of the European Union. The main job of the European Parliament is to introduce the new legislations. Also European Parliament gives opinions on new legislations, and it makes decisions about new legislations together with the Council of Ministers. The final decision of the new legislation has to be taken by the European parliament and the Council of Ministers. In addition, the name of the European Parliament is â€Å"watch dog† of the European Union. They named European Parliament as â€Å"watch dog† because it monitors all operations in European Union. Also European Parliament monitors budget of the European Union, because the money of the EU budget has to be distributed lawfully. The locations of the European Parliament are Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxemburg. The Members of the European Parliament are elected by the people whose country they represent. Also, the European Parliament is elected every five years by the citizens of the European countries. (The European Parliament) The Council of the European Union is a main institution which takes final decisions passing new legislation. The Council of the European Union consists of twenty seven ministers. Every minister represents the country in which he or she has been selected to represent country. When the Council of the European Union is going to accept new legislation which can affect sphere of transportation, then the Minister of Transport will attend, and so on. (The Council of the European Union) The European Commissions main job is to prepare new legislation and laws before the legislation will be accepted in the European Parliament. The European Commission also does a job as the peacemaker. When the member countries of the European Union argue between themselves the European Commission will solve their problems. Every member of the European Commission has to put the interests of the European Union first, rather than their own country. When some kind of problem or situation happens in European Union the members of the European Commission have to solve these problems as uniform system. (The European Commission) The European Court of Justices location is in Luxemburg. The European Court of Justice consists of one judge from every member country of the European Union. Most of time thirteen judges take part in court to solve the problem. The main job of the European Court of Justice is to monitor the laws. Every citizen of the European Union has to obey the Court of Justice and laws of the European Union. (The Court of Justice) The European Court of Auditors work is to monitor the budget of the European Union. This organization makes sure that documentations of the taxpayers are legal and right. In some cases if the documentations are wrong the European Court of Auditors have right to investigate any types of economical operations. In additions, the European Court of Auditors doesnt depend on other institutions; however, it keeps touch with other institutions. (The European Court of Auditors) European Union Monetary When the European Union created monetary system for whole European countries, the first target of the monetary system was to prevent economic damage, and stabilize economic situation in a moment of need. When the European Union created European Monetary Institute the first target of it was to create uniform currency for European member countries. (European Monetary System). The main idea of the European monetary system is to create more jobs for citizens of the European community, and to make European economy function better. On 1st January, 1999 the European Union has let out uniform currency, named Euro. The number of the first member countries of European Union which made Euro their national currency was eleven. On the other hand, member countries such as United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden did not adopted Euro as their national currency, they decided to keep their own national currencies. After the adaptation of the Euro, it did not show the success compared to other currencies. In addition, at the beginning the Euro felt down to 30% in world trade market. (BBC News, 5 December, 2000). â€Å"The Euro symbol @ -, developed by the European Commission, was inspired by the Greek letter epsilon and also denotes the first letter of the word â€Å"Europe†. The two parallel lines refer to the stability inside the Euro area.† (The Euro) Every system has its weaknesses and benefits. According to the economists of the United States and Europe the last analyses shows that European Monetary Union has advantages. The first benefit is that European countries do not need costs of current exchange. The second benefit is exclusion of the currencys destabilization between member countries of the European Union. The third benefit is the fast growth of economy of European Union countries. The fourth benefit is the solvency of the more complicated monetary problems. (â€Å"Benefits and Costs of European Economic and Monetary Union†, Gerhard Fink; Dominic Salvatore) With the advantages every monetary system also has problems, such as inflation. Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices overtime. It may also refer to rise in the prices of a specific set goods or services. In either case, it is measured as the percentage rate of change of a price index. According to the â€Å"EuroStat† statistics the inflation has made 2.3% in European Union in August. Compared to 2006 the inflation norm was 2.2% in 2005. In 2006 the norm of inflation rose 0.1 percent every month (Gian Luigi Mazzi and Rosa Ruggeri Cannata, August 2006). In a low inflationary spheres have got countries such as Finland, Sweden, and Poland. The inflation average in these countries was 1.5 percent. (2006). In a high inflationary sphere have got countries such as Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia and Spain. The inflation average in these countries was 4.9 percent. (2006) The European Union always wanted to avoid the misunderstandings between member countries, and it always wanted to advance the unity of European community. Also, the main raisin of the European Union is the European Monetary System. On the other hand, todays trade market showed to European community that it is difficult to maintain current single currency. In addition, the main problem of the single currency for the European community is instability of Euro. When the leading companies of the Europe invest money abroad it can change the income of the companies, because when the currency is unstable it will change the amount of the money when they expressed to Euro. (Richard W. Stevenson, July 31, 1993) Conclusion In conclusion, the European Union is one of the powerful organizations in the whole world. It has influence in military, worlds economy and so on. Before the unifying Europe had gone through the difficult times, such as war, economic disasters, and unemployment. European countries gain many benefits by unifying. European countries realized that they can not succeed along, the unity of these countries was the great step which they gained. The economy of the member countries of the European Union increased to many times after the unity. Still remains the question will the European Union stay the same or will it change the directions of unity. People of the Europe has big pessimism about European Union, people say unemployment is still stays unstable. However, Europe would never gain these kind of success if they were not united. Can you imagine what European countries could gain if they had been united in ancient times. They could have avoided the wars between European countries. However, European countries are united now, and this is a huge success in a history of Europe. â€Å"A day will come when all the nations of this continent, without loosing their distinct qualities or their glorious individuality, will fuse together in a higher unity and form the European brotherhood. A day will come when there will be no other battlefields than those of the mind open marketplaces for ideas. A day will come when bullets and bombs will be replaced by votes† (Victor Hugo, 1849)